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Driving Business Growth with an Instagram Strategy

Instagram is growing in popularity every day and is a major part of driving business growth. People love to take photos and upload them to share with the world.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could put this social media site to use and make some money with it? The best thing is, you can, and Instagram is easy to use as an online business to make a decent income.

So, you want to know how to start this business? Well, it is very easy, and I will show you how!

Reasons to Choose Instagram for Your Business

First, you want to know why this is a great business idea. Let’s look at the facts. There are over 400 million active monthly users. It is really easy to find people who are interested in your specific niche and to present them with material that will catch their eye on the spot!

Remember, you have a very short amount of time to attract a potential customer, so this is key when deciding what types of pictures or videos to use on your account.

Along with the massive number of monthly users, there are more than 75 million people who use Instagram every single day. Of course, this number can be much larger on any given day, and it can change drastically as quickly as you are done reading this article.

More than 20% of Internet users are now on Instagram

You may think to yourself that this is not a really huge number, but when it comes down to it, millions upon millions of people use the Internet daily. There are times when people take breaks at work or, on the weekends when there is nothing else to do, they will surf the Internet.

Users will likely search for something that has media rather than read something with just words. Pictures and videos are among the most popular type of content that the average person is looking for.

One fact, that is good to know about Instagram to get you motivated to start your business, is that more than 77.6 million users use this platform in the United States alone. So are you convinced yet that you should start your business using Instagram? If not, then you might as well not read anymore.

If, however, you are even slightly curious, please continue and read more exciting reasons to use this platform for business.

Start and Grow Your Business the Instagram WayRead this Special Report: Start & Grow your Business the Instagram(tm) Way – Picture Perfect Profits

One fact, which is good to know about Instagram to get you motivated to start your business, is that more than 77.6 million users use this platform in the United States alone. It is important in this day and age to make images that people will share.

You can make a Business Account

Yes, you can actually create an Instagram Business Account that will help when you are driving business growth. Just sign up the way you normally would if you were creating an account for the first time.

Make your username something related to your business. For instance, if you are promoting Sporting Goods and more specifically fishing gear, then create a name that is something like “greatfishinggear” so people know this is where I get the awesome products for my fishing needs.

One thing I want to suggest is that you keep your business posts separate from your regular posts.

There is nothing more aggravating than when your friends want to promote something and all you see are ads trying to make you click here and there to buy something.

You will have fewer followers than you had before if you try that, so please keep this in mind. If you don’t want to see ads everywhere, then most likely, your social followers don’t want to either.

It is also important to keep the ad posts to a minimum. You may think, well then how am I supposed to get people to click on the ad? Like I said before, make it memorable and attractive.

You can post once a day or a couple of times a week. Nothing happens overnight, so be patient. When you have the right ads and strategy in place, you will begin to notice an influx of followers to your business and even a regular Instagram account.

You can also let people know about your business on your regular account, but again don’t go overboard. If you follow these rules, you are sure to keep people liking, sharing, and following your posts. These tips will assist you when driving business growth.

When and How often to Post

Now that you are more excited and informed about how easy it is to have a business on Instagram, one question may still be lingering in your mind. How often do you post? Well, for starters, be consistent with your posts.

If you post every Tuesday and Thursday, always post on these days. Also, think about the time of day. When do people normally get up for work, when do they take lunch, and when should they be home?

This is important because Instagram, like any other social media site, gets floods of posts. You want people to be more likely to see your post, so post at a time of day where people would normally be logged on. The three times mentioned above are the best times to post something. People are more likely to see your posts.

The amount of times to post will determine on your followers. If you post a couple times a day and notice more followers, then that is a great frequency to use. It does depend on the demand of your brand, so keep that in mind.

If you are seeing that people stop following you, you may be posting too much. You can lessen the posts to once a day, or even a couple times a week. Always test what works by monitoring your followers, and how many people are clicking on your links.

Keep it Trendy

One last thing to note is to be aware of the trends. People are most likely following a trend because they want to know what other people know and be a part of the crowd.

People may say they want to be an individual, but keep in mind; they want to feel different about certain things in their personal lives, such as the clothes they wear.

You actually want to attract the people who follow trends. This is because they are the ones who like what the majority of people like. The more people who like something you sell, the more likely they are to see your ad and click the link then buy your product.


Always keep in mind these tactics when you start driving business growth with your Instagram business account. It is very easy to start one and will not cost anything upfront. So, there is a lot of room for fast profits.

A lot of people want their own business because they know there is money to be made. Of course, people imagine business being hard work and needing large capital to start. Now with the Internet and Social Media like Instagram, you are well on your way to making those picture perfect profits!

Results will vary and there are no guarantees that one thing works over the other. So, keep trying and use different strategies until something works.

Start and Grow Your Business the Instagram WayRead this Special Report: Start & Grow your Business the Instagram(tm) Way – Picture Perfect Profits

One fact, which is good to know about Instagram to get you motivated to start your business, is that more than 77.6 million users use this platform in the United States alone. It is important in this day and age to make images that people will share.

Inker Street Digital provides online guides for entrepreneurs interested in promoting their businesses. For more information about our services visit or social post on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

Thaddeus Collins

Thaddeus Collins is a seasoned digital marketer at Inker Street Digital with over a decade of experience in the ever-evolving world of online marketing. Specializing in strategies that drive growth and engagement, Thaddeus has helped numerous businesses scale their online presence through innovative approaches in SEO, and social media marketing.

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